I often pray to see God all day long. I believe God is in the details of every day life, in everyone’s life, and I want to see it!
Most days I see Him in the obvious: an answered prayer, the sunrise or sunset, etc.
But yesterday, my own selfishness rose up and I missed God.
I picked up a friend for lunch and dropped her off at the front of the restaurant because she was on crutches. When I parked, the car next to me had its windows down and I barely caught a glimpse inside to see a woman and her young daughter. Clothes filled the entire back seat. I wondered if they were traveling or perhaps living in their car. The thought of inviting them inside for a meal entered my mind but I quickly dismissed it; I was in a hurry to get back to my friend, who needed my help to get inside.
Looking back, I remember thinking I doubted what I was supposed to do. Does God REALLY want me to do that? What if it’s not what I think? Would they think I was weird?
Even if God hadn’t requested it, even if they weren’t homeless, even if they thought I WAS weird, I could have still given them an act of kindness. I MISSED GOD.
Despite of my selfishness, the Lord chose to bless us. When it came time to pay, someone else had already taken care of our bill. At that moment, I knew I truly had missed God. But I didn’t feel rebuked by God. I felt He was just loving us and reminding me to love others as well.
Today, I pray I don’t miss God. I pray for the courage to step out of myself and to be just like Jesus.