Once Shattered
Losing a child due to miscarriage is devastating.
This woman had had several miscarriages, leaving her heart shattered into a million pieces. While completing the You Are Treasured curriculum, God was able to put those pieces of her broken heart back together again.

Psalm 34:38 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.
God can rescue YOU from a broken heart, too. All you have to do is take a step towards Him. If you don’t know how, reach out. Don’t wait.
Daily Connection
The reason we need to have a daily connection with God is so that we don’t miss blessings AND we don’t miss blessing others.
It is so easy to get lost in daily life. Sometimes God can end up being last or some days we just don’t connect with him at all. Have you ever realized it’s been days or even weeks since you’ve had a real connection with Him? Ugh! I don’t like having that realization!
When you are in tune with God, though, you have His wisdom, you have His heart, and He helps you carry His love for others. It’s at this point when you want to be like Him. You feel like loving and to be a blessing to others!
Yes! I want that! During this experience is when I realize realize how much I have missed the connection with the One who loves me. I miss those nuggets of wisdom. I miss His whispers of love to me that makes me want to love others. It also makes me grateful.
As always, it’s a reminder to me that God is always there and ONLY one step away. All I have to do is stop and be still.
You Are Treasured Spring 2019
Facilitating a pregnancy loss weekend retreat is not easy.
The burden is heavy. The volunteered time is long. The women complain. Sometimes it’s difficult to teach when people are not praying for us.
This past retreat, I woke up on Sunday morning sleep deprived and really grumpy. The retreat would be over that night and I began to believe the enemy telling me I was wasting my time and what I was doing was not helping. Even though I didn’t feel like it, I defaulted back to what I KNEW and not what I felt.
I knew people were praying for us – I could feel it. I knew Jesus was working. I knew it was NOT ABOUT me.
I needed to feel some Jesus love so I spent some time alone with Him and listened to praise and worship music with my headset on. At that moment, it was just me and Jesus.
He reminded me about my own story and my purpose. He reminded me of my own healing. He reminded me of His love for all His daughters. He reminded me He was not finished orchestrating all of the pieces and He would indeed get all the glory. Without a doubt, I believed Him.
As He always does, He showed me, before my eyes, the beautiful transformations of every woman participating that weekend.

These are just a couple of examples of what the Lord did that weekend. Pure glory!
Do YOU need healing from a pregnancy loss? Have you had a miscarriage or an abortion that hurts your heart? If so, please reach out. Don’t stay wounded. Jesus WILL heal you. All you have to do is be willing.