One of my favorite memories is the time several of us went skiing in Ruidoso, New Mexico.  We were all single young people (ha – not really me.  I was the oldest in age but the same age as them in heart!)

What I loved the most about the trip is every morning, most of us would go out onto the balcony and spend quiet time with the Lord alone.  We would take separate corners, wrapped in coats or blankets with our hot coffee, some with our ipods, with our bibles and just enjoy the magnificent view – the splendor of the King that was all around us.

There was a time when I didn’t notice the beauty of God’s creation.  Life was too busy and I took creation for granted.

Today, the beauty of God’s creation can bring me to tears.  I am in awesome awe of God.  He is the perfect Artist.

Here was the view from my corner:
